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Schauen Sie sich verschiedene Fehler an, die durch COIN-SERVICE.COM verursacht wurden.
0x80249003 WU_E_INVENTORY_RESULT_UPLOAD_FAILED Failed to upload inventory result to the server., 0x000000D4, 0x000000AD, 0x80244014 WU_E_PT_INVALID_COMPUTER_LSID Cannot determine computer LSID., 0x80248015 WU_E_DS_SERVICEEXPIRED An operation did not complete because the registration of the service has expired., 0xf0803 CBS_E_INVALID_PARAMETER invalid method argument, 0x80245002 WU_E_REDIRECTOR_S_FALSE The redirector XML document is missing some required information., 0x00000039, 0x8024E005 WU_E_EE_NOT_INITIALIZED The expression evaluator could not be initialized., 0x00000059, 0x8024800B WU_E_DS_CANTDELETE The update was not deleted because it is still referenced by one or more services., 0x0000005F, 0x80240032 WU_E_INVALID_CRITERIA The search criteria string was invalid., 0x00000127, 0xf0802 CBS_S_ALREADY_EXISTS source already exists, now copy not added, 0x000000B8, 0xf0811 CBS_E_MANIFEST_VALIDATION_MISSING_REQUIRED_ELEMENTS required attributes are missing, 0x000000DF