Entfernen Downtoext.info from Windows 2000 : Abräumen Downtoext.info
Mehr Fehler whic Downtoext.info Ursachen 0x80245003 WU_E_REDIRECTOR_ID_SMALLER The redirectorId in the downloaded redirector cab is less than in the cached cab., 0x00000034, 0x8024A003 WU_E_AU_LEGACYCLIENTDISABLED The old version of the Automatic Updates client was disabled., 0x8024D00C WU_E_SETUP_REBOOT_TO_FIX Windows Update Agent could not be updated because a restart of the system is required., 0x8024200C WU_E_UH_FALLBACKTOSELFCONTAINED The update handler should download self-contained content rather than delta-compressed content for the update., 0x00000020, 0x80240023 WU_E_EULAS_DECLINED The license terms for all updates were declined., 0x0000009F, 0x00000078, 0x80243FFD WU_E_NON_UI_MODE Unable to show UI when in non-UI mode; WU client UI modules may not be installed., 0x000000BF, 0x80244018 WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN Same as HTTP status 403 - server understood the request, but declined to fulfill it., 0x00000016, 0x8024E004 WU_E_EE_INVALID_VERSION An expression evaluator operation could not be completed because the version of the serialized expression data is invalid., 0x8024002F WU_E_CALL_CANCELLED_BY_POLICY Operation did not complete because the DisableWindowsUpdateAccess policy was set., 0x8024002A WU_E_MISSING_HANDLER A component required to detect applicable updates was missing., 0x8024D008 WU_E_SELFUPDATE_SKIP_ON_FAILURE An update to the Windows Update Agent was skipped because previous attempts to update have failed., 0x8024C006 WU_E_DRV_SYNC_FAILED Driver synchronization failed., 0x80244034 WU_E_PT_ECP_FAILURE_TO_DECOMPRESS_CAB_FILE An external cab file could not be decompressed.
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